Selected publications

Legge DG (2022) Natural capital accounts, bonds, certificates, markets: promises and risks (19 April 2022)

Legge DG (2020) Proposed TRIPS Waiver hangs in the balance: urgent call for national advocacy (4 Nov 2020)

Legge DG and Kim, S (2020) Equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines: cooperation around research and production capacity is critical (30 Oct 2020)

Legge DG (2020) COVID-19 response exposes deep flaws in global health governance (23 Oct 2020)

Legge DG (2019) Striving towards integrated people centred health services

Legge DG (2018) An archaeology of the global Health for All movement 

PHM (2018) Civil society engagement for Health for All

Legge DG (2018) Capitalism, imperialism and class: concepts fundamental to a critical public health (2018)

Legge DG (2016) WHO reform: need for a global mobilisation around the democratisation of global health governance

Legge DG (2015) Lessons from Virchow for today's graduands: occasional address, La Trobe Graduation, 16 Dec 2015.

Legge DG (2015) WHO shackled: donor control of the World Health Organisation published in Third World Resurgence (Issue 298/299), June 2015.

Legge, DG, DH Gleeson, H Lofgren, and B Townsend (2014) Australia’s position on medicines policy in international forums: Intellectual property protection and public health", JAPE, 73,103-131

Legge DG (2013) Trade and Health: An enquiry into the role of the World Health Organisation in promoting policy coherence across the fields of trade and health and in particular, the origins, implementation and effectiveness of World Health Assembly Resolution 59.26 on international trade and health.  This paper was prepared as a case study for the Lancet & University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health.  See Ottersen, et al (2014). "The political origins of health inequity: prospects for change." The Lancet 383(9917): 630-667.

Fredericks, B. and D. Legge (2011). Revitalizing Health for All: International Indigenous Representative Group. Learning from the Experience of Comprehensive Primary Health Care in Aboriginal Australia—A Commentary on Three Project Reports. Melbourne, Lowitja Institute.

Legge, DG and D Viola (2010) Globalization, development and health: a political economic perspective on the global struggle for health Chapter 10 in Murthy, P. and C.L. Smith, Women's Global Health and Human Rights. 2009, Sudbury MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Legge D, L Pei, C.Liu, H Yang (2008) Health Policy Gridlock: the Case of Health Insurance and Hospital Efficiency. Chapter prepared for Health Policy in and for China but not published.

Legge, D. G., Gleeson, D.H., Wilson, G., Wright, M., McBride, T., Butler, P. & Stagoll, O. 2007, ‘Micro Macro Integration: Reframing primary health care practice and community development in health’, Critical Public Health, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 171–82.

Eberhard, you are still with us (2002) (Inaugral Eberhard Wenzel Annual Oration). Eberhard Wenzel worked in public health for over 20 years. He was well known to many through his work at Griffith University, his prolific work on the International Public Health Watch web site and email list serve, and the development and maintenance of the Virtual Library on Public Health, at the time rated as the best in the field. Following Eberhard's death in September 2001, the Australian Health Promotion Association endorsed the establishment of an annual oration in his memory. 

Pei L., DG Legge, P Stanton (2000). Policy contradictions limiting hospital performance in China.  

Legge DG. 2000 Book review: Poststructuralism, citizenship and social policy

Bartlett, B. and D. Legge (1994). Beyond the maze : proposals for more effective administration of Aboriginal health programs. Alice Springs and Canberra: CAAC & NCEPH, ANU. See also Bartlett, B. and D. Legge (1995). Beyond the maze. in Australian Journal of Public Health 19(1): 3-5.

See also the CDIH archive for a range of reports, presentations and other writings from 1987 to 2011.

Legge, DG (2005) Applying the leech. Reflections on the World Bank's 1993 report, 'Investing in health'

Legge DG (1996) Implications of post-structuralism for policy work in health published in Hunt L (ed), Proceedings of Third Asia and Pacific Conference on the Social Sciences in Medicine, 1996, Section 3, ‘Health Policy’, Volume 1, Published by Faculty of Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia.

Legge, DG (1990) Community participation.  Paper presented at Healthy Cities Conference, Feb 1990

Legge, DG_1985_DHCsStudyTourReport.  The proposal to establish district health councils (DHCs) was first announced in September 1983. The broad parameters of the proposed Program were set out in that announcement. From the earliest it was recognised that the proposed Program was an innovative development within the Victorian context and that careful attention to overseas models would be wise. The present report presents the findings of a study tour undertaken by the Coordinator (July August 1985), a discussion of selected topics, and  recommendations arising from overseas observations for the development of the District Health Councils Program.

Legge, DG (1982) The Sewerage of Melbourne